We work on projects around the world, supporting government, industry, and not-for-profits to better manage natural resources. Below are just some examples of the engagements our team have been involved in.

Reef Trust Partnership Water Quality Program
Led the design and implementation of the strategy for a $200m investment in improving water quality flowing to the Great Barrier Reef through land-based interventions, including agricultural practice change and catchment restoration.

Townsville Water Security Taskforce
Led the provision of strategic and high-level technical advice to the Townsville Water Security Taskforce that was charged by the Prime Minister, Queensland State Premier and Townsville Mayor to review and address water supply security issues arising from droughts, floods, climate change, water demands, and water-energy interactions as they affect Townsville, North Queensland.

River Health and Environmental Flows in China
Developed and applied approaches for river health assessment and environmental flow arrangements for application in collaboration with the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources and Chinese Ministry of the Environment. Included undertaking pilot studies, and releasing river health report cards, for the Yellow, Pearl, and Liao River Basins.

Northern Territory Water Allocation Planning Review
Reviewed existing water allocation arrangements and developed and recommended a revised water allocation planning framework for the Northern Territory.

Murray Darling Basin Plan Review
Provided strategic and technical support for the 2026 review of the Murray-Darling basin plan, including developing an initial roadmap for the review and a basin plan theory of change to support the review process.

Queensland Hydro Pumped Storage Projects
Provided strategic water planning advice to support detailed analysis of the Borumba Dam Pumped Storage Hydro Project and Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Storage Hydro Project.

Water Resources Governance in Brazil
Undertook an assessment of the performance of Brazil’s water governance and policy recommendations for strengthening the co-ordination between federal and state water policies and for setting up more robust water allocation regimes that can better cope with future risks.
Local Management Arrangements of Sunwater's Channel Irrigation Schemes
Led development of a business case for the Queensland Government for the transition of SunWater's eight irrigation channel systems (value $2.3 billion) to local management and ownership. Subsequently led the establishment of new irrigator-owned entities, drafting of offer documents, and facilitated the transfer of the irrigation businesses to the new entities.

Identified water risks facing the textile sector in Vietnam, Cambodia and the Greater Mekong at the factory, sector and transboundary scales. Worked with Tommy Hilfiger to developed a strategic roadmap for government, private industry, transboundary organisations and NGOs to collaboratively mitigate those risks.

Advised the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources on the once-in-thirty year revision of the master basin plans for China’s major river basins, including approaches to strategic river basin planning, water allocation planning, and flood risk management.

Hughenden Irrigation Project Business Case
Provided strategic advice in relation to water planning matters as well as government funding for pre-construction activities associated with the Hughenden Irrigation Project on the Flinders River. Also provided advice on institutional options for future management and financing.

HSBC Water Program Evaluation
Undertook the end of program evaluation for a US$20 million freshwater program for WWF. Included in-country review of programs for the Yangtze, Ganges, Mara, Mekong and Pantanal.

Unallocated Water Policy and Regional Water Assessments
Developed a framework for establishing and releasing unallocated water reserves in Queensland, including principles and a decision-framework to guide releases using market and non-market based approaches. Also provided strategic advice in relation to regional water assessments for the Burdekin, Central Queensland, Gulf and South-East Queensland regions.

Fraser Coast Water Grid Business Case
Drafted a business case for construction of a water grid to connect the water supply systems for Hervey Bay and Maryborough. Included identifying service need, options assessment, financial affordability analysis, and review of climate change implications.

Training Program in Water Allocation and Basin Planning
Developed and presented a training program for senior water officials from Ethiopia's Abbay Basin River Basin Organisation. Included topics related to assessing available water, allocation between competing sectors, environmental flow considerations, legal and institutional issues, and options analysis/trade-offs.

Strategic Groundwater Management
Led a review of international best practice in groundwater management and the development and documenting of a framework and principles for strategic management of groundwater resources.

Queensland Water Planning and Water Resource Risks
Provided strategic advice in relation to updating Queensland's water planning risk management framework. This also included applying the new framework to update the statewide pressures on water resources, as well as assessing water planning related risks in each river basin within Queensland

Water for the Lockyer Business Case
Provided strategic advice in relation to potential water allocation and management options for improving water supplies for irrigation within the Lockyer Valley. Also worked with state and local government agencies, irrigators and the local community in developing strategic and operational water planning rules that supported more efficient and sustainable use of water in the Lockyer Valley.